Engineering Services We Offer
We are proud to offer the following services:
- Civil/Site Design and Layout
- Development of Subdivision and Land Development Plans
- PA DEP NPDES Permitting for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities
- E&S Control and Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plans
- PA DEP ESCGP-2 (Expedited Permit Review for Oil and Gas Facilities)
- Other PA DEP Permitting, including Chapter 105 Encroachment and Obstruction Permitting
- PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permits and Plans
- Transportation Engineering
- Traffic Studies
- Traffic Signal Design
- Lane Widening Plans
- Sanitary and Storm Sewer System Design
- Construction Surveying
- Municipal Planning/Engineering
- Construction Management Services
- Construction Inspection Services
- Preparation of Documents and Bidding Assistance for Construction Projects
- Retaining Wall Design
- Site Master Planning
- Land Use/Feasibility Studies
- Grant Assistance
- Sewage Enforcement Officer